Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load
Load image into Gallery viewer, Kineo Intelligent Load

Kineo Intelligent Load

What is Kineo?
Kineo is the most advanced rehabilitation and training machine.
It enables you to manage the load intelligently and to differentiate between eccentric and concentric phases.
It also offers a wide range of functional evaluation tests.
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Kineo for better functional rehabilitation
Kineo for better functional rehabilitation
  • Kineo for better functional rehabilitation

Isokinetic and isometric tests in an open and closed kinetic chain

Isokinetic and isometric tests in an open and closed kinetic chain
Water training for painful conditions

The smart viscous function allows you to reproduce water training, simulating the effects of water rehabilitation.

Kineo Intelligent Load, with its 500 controls per second, instantly adapts the load according to the patient's actual capabilities, enabling safe and pain-free movement. Ideal for painful conditions and the acute phase of functional rehabilitation.

Kineo Leg Press: the lower limb specialist

With its biphasic mode , Kineo Leg Press allows you to perform exercises and jumps without feeling your body weight.

Define the initial and final load and experience the benefits in recovering from major lower limb injuries such as patellar tendinitis, Achilles tendinopathy and ACL reconstruction.

Variable load for precision training

Kineo enables you to draw a load curve based on the specific needs of the subject in order to increase the load at the most favourable angles and lighten it at critical points.

Ischiocrural injury recovery

With Kineo in viscose and elastic you can train both for recovery and for the prevention of muscle injuries, such as in the case of ischiocruscular, rectus femoris, calf and adductor muscle injury.

Experience the benefits of increased neuromuscular control and improved performance with the help of visual and acoustic feedback.

Shoulder rehabilitation

By combining Kineo's smart viscous, elastic and biphasic load, you can easily perform exercises for all common shoulder dysfunctions, such as glenohumeral instability, scapulothoracic dyskinesia and rotator cuff tendinopathy.

Kineo for sports and training
Kineo for sports and training
  • Kineo for sports and training

Concentric/eccentric biphasic load

Kineo enables you to work with differentiated loads between the concentric phase and the eccentric phase in order to achieve maximum efficiency in training and rehabilitation.

Maximum eccentric training with overload in safe conditions

Thanks to the innovative viscous method, Kineo makes it easy to assess and train maximal eccentric strength with overload.

At the slightest sign of difficulty of the subject, Kineo reduces the load, ensuring the gesture can be completed safely.

Variable load for precision training

Kineo allows you to draw a load curve based on your specific needs in order to increase the load at specific points where you want to intensify your training.

Jumping with overload

Kineo enables you to improve explosive power and elastic energy without straining your back and knees.

Kineo allows you to apply an overload during the jump, eliminating weight in the landing phase.

Real-time biofeedback to reach your goal

Kineo provides visual and acoustic feedback during exercise to guide you towards your goal.

Functional training

Kineo is equipped with an adjustable pulley with 4 metres of free cable and a fully programmable load. These features make it a versatile training and evaluation tool, allowing you to perform functional exercises, core training and agility tests customised to your needs.

Testing and reporting with Kineo

Maximum isokinetic force imbalance test

Maximum isokinetic force imbalance test

Eccentric force evaluation

Eccentric force evaluation

Concentric/eccentric isokinetic evaluation

Concentric/eccentric isokinetic evaluation

Maximum isometric force assessment

Maximum isometric force assessment

Power evaluation

Power evaluation

Video on how to use Kineo

Kineo multistation: the eccentric training specialist

Kineo Leg Press: the lower limb specialist

Isokinetic Evaluation with Kineo Leg Press

Globus Kineo products
Globus Kineo products
  • Globus Kineo products

Kineo Multistation

Kineo Multistation

Kineo Leg Press

Kineo Leg Press
Kineo Leg Pro

Kineo Leg Pro

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